Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our new patio set! (Kind of...)

So we finally got our new patio set! 
We haven't finished decorating around it yet so I just saved some pics off the website:
We don't have that rug (I couldn't find it in the store or online) but I had my eye on this one for a long time and when it went on clearance I grabbed it:

Yes, it looks a little crazy 70's, but I promise in person it's a little more muted and goes well with the color of our house, which is cream with a butterscotch-ish trim color.
 I have lots of pretty red accents - on my pillows that are on the two benches by the front door, along with a few hanging thingys.

Someone took a pic on the website of their patio area, and it's a similar set and the same rug, so it gives you KIND OF an idea of how ours looks:
I have no idea who the person is (sorry, person) but their set is similar (ours has a glass table and brown throw pillows) and the cushions are the same.
So anyway, we have to put up some lattice, and move a few things around, and I'll update soon!

1 comment:

*Ulrike* said...

Now how did I miss this post? Your patio set does look great, you'll need to show some photos now that you have it set up!
Love, Mom